No Rescued Curlies are in Need of Homes at This Time!
Curly-Coated Retriever Club of America
Please consider adopting one of the rescue or referral dogs who need your help and/or pass this information along to anyone who may be able to provide a good home. Many of our members have single dogs and we encourage you to think about adopting a second dog as companion to your lone curly. Two are often better (and easier) than one! Thank you.
Please consider adopting one of the rescue or referral dogs who need your help and/or pass this information along to anyone who may be able to provide a good home. Many of our members have single dogs and we encourage you to think about adopting a second dog as companion to your lone curly. Two are often better (and easier) than one! Thank you.
Success Stories and Updates on Adopted Curlies!
Maxx's Diary - ADOPTED!
1.30.2011 HOME
Hi Stephanie Just wanted to let you know that we are home safe and sound. We had a very uneventful journey back and Maxx did great, he just started getting a little unsettled when we were about 15 minutes from home. He has been all round the house, only had one marking episode and one using the sofa as a shortcut by hurdling over it! He has been in the garden playing fetch with his rope toy. He had a little quiet time in his new crate, he seems to like it as he was climbing into it as Pete was trying to assemble it! We took a tour of the local park where we met a female chocolate Labrador, she too was a rescue and they greeted each other very nicely. There is small dog in a garden behind the fence that runs alongside the park that is always barking at every dog walking past, Maxx was a little distracted by it and gave a whimper or two, but I easily got him to walk past. He has been sitting very nicely on command, and we have been practicing stay. We skyped our youngest son, Josh, he had viewed the photos online, but was very excited to see Maxx for real. The first sight of him he got was of him climbing and clambering all over Pete on the office sofa with the orange gecko in his mouth! He just said, hmmmm, looks like you have a lot to handle! Thank you very much for giving us the opportunity to give Maxx a new forever home, all he needs is time and patience and a lot of loving, hopefully we can fulfill his needs. Take care Karen
1.29.2011 On the Way to my New Home!
Karen and Peter came back! They went shopping yesterday and bought me a new collar with a matching leash, a shiny collar for training and TWO crated. One to ride in the care and one for MY NEW HOME! I'm going on a road trip to Houston today. First, Steph talked to my new mom and dad about lots of stuff.
Mom and dad pup my new collar and leash on me. They have a tag with my name on it and my new phone number so everyone will know my name and phone number. They must think I'm special. Mom and dad sure make me feel SPECIAL. I loaded into my new cart with the awesome brown crate pad. I did a circle, circle, plop like Blue. Dad gave me my new toy and I feel so excited and happy.
Steph gave me kisses, hugs and told me she would see me soon. I think I'll miss her but I also have a new family I have to take care of now.
Mom and dad pup my new collar and leash on me. They have a tag with my name on it and my new phone number so everyone will know my name and phone number. They must think I'm special. Mom and dad sure make me feel SPECIAL. I loaded into my new cart with the awesome brown crate pad. I did a circle, circle, plop like Blue. Dad gave me my new toy and I feel so excited and happy.
Steph gave me kisses, hugs and told me she would see me soon. I think I'll miss her but I also have a new family I have to take care of now.
1.28.2011 I Meet Karen and Peter Today!
Today Karen and Pete can to meet me. They drove all the way from Houston! They are really nice people and hope I make a good impression. I really liked them. Peter played fetch with me and I like that. Karen scratched me and asked me to show her my sit, down and I tried my best to show her I can do that. I need lots of practice and hope she will help me learn. She seems to be really smart about dogs and how we think. Karen and Peter have a grown human son who lives in a place called England and another human son who lives in New Braunfuls. That mean that I'll be the only son to live at home:-) and I can spend all my time with Karen while Pete is at work. Shhhhhhhh I think I heard Steph talking about a new crate for Karen and Peters house (that must mean I have a new MOM and DAD).
Peter and Karen left a new toy for me to sleep with tonight. It smells like them when I lay my head on it......I like that. Steph said they are coming back in the morning to pick me up and take me "HOME"!.
This is kinda scary. Will they love me forever? Even if I'm not a perfect dog?
Peter and Karen left a new toy for me to sleep with tonight. It smells like them when I lay my head on it......I like that. Steph said they are coming back in the morning to pick me up and take me "HOME"!.
This is kinda scary. Will they love me forever? Even if I'm not a perfect dog?
1.27.2011 A Walk in the Park
Today we all took a walk together at the park. It was really challenging getting all the leashes organized. Oh, they had a lake at the park but it was down a very tall ledge and we were not allowed to go in the water. I'm not sure how we would have gotten back up the straight ledge. And, there lots of people on bicycles, walking and running. We also watched a man with his tall dog. Steph told me it was not a dog but a horse. We all went home as took a nap while Steph made dinner.
Tomorrow is Saturday. Karen and Peter are coming from Houston to visit. I'm kinda nervous and hope I can make a good impression. They might be my new 'Forever" parents. Steph has told me so many good things about them. I'm very excited and hope they will love me like Steph and Jim love me. Steph says that they had a Chessie and loved her a lot and miss her. I think I'd like to love them too.
Tomorrow is Saturday. Karen and Peter are coming from Houston to visit. I'm kinda nervous and hope I can make a good impression. They might be my new 'Forever" parents. Steph has told me so many good things about them. I'm very excited and hope they will love me like Steph and Jim love me. Steph says that they had a Chessie and loved her a lot and miss her. I think I'd like to love them too.
We got to obedience class a little early and I watched Steph work with Jenny on hand signals and heeling. The she and Blue did the heeling competition with all the other dogs and their people. Boy is Blue good. He got 1st place and a blue ribbon. He carried back to the van and then it was my turn to work in class. There are about 6 dogs in my class. The standard black poodle is really cute. I think she likes me too. But I REALLY like the little yellow Lab and I know she likes me. She smells good too.
We took a drive to Petsmart do do some training. Boy are there lots of toys, people and food at that store. I like going there.
1.20.2011 A Day at the Spa
Today we (Blue, Jenny and Maxx) went to Pet Supplies Plus for some shopping and obedeince training. Then everyone got a bath at Dirty Dawgs. Maxx is getting better at having his nails trimmed.
Obedience class went really well tonight. Maxx was the star ***** of the class....He did really well on his sit, down and even on his stay. We started working on 'stand' and examining teeth.
We started Obedience training tonight. Maxx is used to heeling on the right but he is learning to heel in the left. Tonight we tripped over each other quite a bit. This is because we are learning to work with each other and Maxx is learning what is expected of him.
Another very good check-up with Dr. Pipes. Maxx's heartowrm test came back negative. He now has a clean bill of health and can start looking for his "Forever Home". A huge thank you goes to Dr. Pipes and his great staff at Country Brook Animal Hospital, Garland, Texas for treating Maxx with such kindness.
Maxx had a very good check-up with Dr. Pipes today. His heartworm test was still positive but no injections today. He has oral medication and has a follow-up in 2 weeks. He's still on kennel rest but gets out enough to stretch his legs and make a few trips around the pool with his toys. He hasn't tried getting in the pool yet, thank goodness but it is his eternal water fountain.

Maxx is home from his first hearworm treatment. He did very well and goes back in 2 weeks for re-evaluation and another treatment. Meanwhile, he is on crate rest. He gets short visits outside to stretch is legs every few hours.
He loves carrying something in his mouth.
He loves carrying something in his mouth.
Maxx starts his Heartworm treatment Monday 11.28.2010.
He'll spent 3 days at the vet and then come home to rest until his next treatment. He really likes the little treats he gets for being a good boy.

Black male
3 years old
Located in Garland, Texas
For more information call Stephanie at 469-231-9146 469-231-9146
Black male
3 years old
Located in Garland, Texas
For more information call Stephanie at 469-231-9146 469-231-9146
Trumpet is now Trouble and flew to New York City 11/23/2010 just in time to spend Thanksgiving with his new family and new Curly brother Stewie.
Best wishes to you Trouble. Love, Kisses & Hugs, Steph

Liver Male
7 months
Located in Michigan
For more information call Stephanie at 469-231-9146