Ayershire Curly-Coated Retrievers
Put A Leash On It
Nellie / Leo Current Litter
Ayershire Litters
Flurry / Henry 10.13.2023
Flurry / Dewey litter 9.2.2022
Lizzy/Dutch June 11, 2020
Lizzy / Dutch & Rudy (Dual Sire Litter) 6.10.2018
Alice Tiggy/Angus 5.7.2016
Jenny / Boomer 9.14.2010
Girls at Ayershire
Kelly - Ayershire She's One Hot Mess
Flurry - Brio Daybreak No Snow At Solimar
Gaia - Ayershire's Gaia
Nellie - Ayershire Western Duchess
Lizzy - Summerwinds Western Surprise
Ruby - Ayershire Desert Winds of June
Breezy - Ayershire Northern Winds
Boys at Ayershire
Blue - Beltane's Bodacious Blue
Dewey - Summerwind Spirit of the Old West
Dutch - C D Dutch Argos Anglin
Rudy - Marshqurl's Rudy
Clyde - Ayershire & Cook'S Black Max
Trimming a Curly by Aubrey LaCrosse
Clive - Lost Mule Dang It Clive
PHOTOS of "Fun with Curlies"
Books, Articles and Videos
Health and Grooming
Why Register Your Puppy?
Curlies Remembered
ADOPT a Young or Adult Curly & "Maxx's Diary"
What it Means to be a Foster.
What's in a Title? Titles
2018 Accomplishments
2017 Accomplishments
2016 Accomplishments
2015 Accomplishments
2014 Accomplishments
2013 Accomplishments
2012 Accomplishments
2011 Accomplishments
2010 Accomplishments
2009 Accomplishments
2008 Accomplishments
2007 Accomplishments
2006 Accomplishments
2005 Accomplishments
2004 Accomplishments
2003 Accomplishments
AKC DNA + Health Testing Video
Visit each of the GIRLS' pages in the dropdown.
Put A Leash On It
Nellie / Leo Current Litter
Ayershire Litters
Flurry / Henry 10.13.2023
Flurry / Dewey litter 9.2.2022
Lizzy/Dutch June 11, 2020
Lizzy / Dutch & Rudy (Dual Sire Litter) 6.10.2018
Alice Tiggy/Angus 5.7.2016
Jenny / Boomer 9.14.2010
Girls at Ayershire
Kelly - Ayershire She's One Hot Mess
Flurry - Brio Daybreak No Snow At Solimar
Gaia - Ayershire's Gaia
Nellie - Ayershire Western Duchess
Lizzy - Summerwinds Western Surprise
Ruby - Ayershire Desert Winds of June
Breezy - Ayershire Northern Winds
Boys at Ayershire
Blue - Beltane's Bodacious Blue
Dewey - Summerwind Spirit of the Old West
Dutch - C D Dutch Argos Anglin
Rudy - Marshqurl's Rudy
Clyde - Ayershire & Cook'S Black Max
Trimming a Curly by Aubrey LaCrosse
Clive - Lost Mule Dang It Clive
PHOTOS of "Fun with Curlies"
Books, Articles and Videos
Health and Grooming
Why Register Your Puppy?
Curlies Remembered
ADOPT a Young or Adult Curly & "Maxx's Diary"
What it Means to be a Foster.
What's in a Title? Titles
2018 Accomplishments
2017 Accomplishments
2016 Accomplishments
2015 Accomplishments
2014 Accomplishments
2013 Accomplishments
2012 Accomplishments
2011 Accomplishments
2010 Accomplishments
2009 Accomplishments
2008 Accomplishments
2007 Accomplishments
2006 Accomplishments
2005 Accomplishments
2004 Accomplishments
2003 Accomplishments
AKC DNA + Health Testing Video